adamstj@GitHub Link to GitHub

Web-GIS Applications

This is my ongoing sideprojects of Web-GIS applications.

"Leaflet app" is built using vanilla JavaScript and Bootstrap.

"OpenLayers app"
is built using React, Geoserver and PostGIS (PostgreSQL).

Leaflet App OpenLayers App

Data Analysis

This is my ongoing sideprojects of Data Analysis.

"Algorithms in GIS" are built without using any external top level functions.

"Landslide4Sense ML Challenge" is my try at the Landslide4sense Challenge using a Random Forest Classifier.

Algorithms in GIS Landslide4Sense
ML Challenge


This is some articles I wrote.

"BI (Business Intelligence) with GIS" was an article I wrote at my time being
employed at Capgemini (Capgemini aquired Advectas).

"How to create a road network" was an article I wrote for mapscaping podcast. It is a short tutorial for setting up a PostGreSQL database using PostGIS and Pgrouting extension using OpenStreetMap data.

BI (Business Intelligence)
with GIS
How to Create a
Road Network Database